Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Birthday!

Well, July and August hold a rash of celebrations in our family.  The kick-off is always Dad and Mom's anniversary followed by Laura's birthday on July 28.  When the whole gang came over this past Saturday night, we held a mini birthday party for Laura.

It seems these days that we always have a whole lot going on, so the special family days sneak up, and the day before I'm asking, "What are we going to do?!"  A couple of weekends ago, I asked Laura what she wanted for her dessert.  I knew that she really liked lemon-flavored sweets but rarely ever baked them herself.  So when she mentioned lemon and anything with fruit, I set out to see if I could find a dessert that incorporated both.  And in the process, I came across THE most delicious, moist, beautiful lemon blueberry cake that we've ever tasted!!!  (Recipe to follow in another post.)  So, I guess you'd say this three-layer cake became the centerpiece of our decorations since there wasn't much time to do anything else.

The little ones always like to put the candles on the cake.

Though she turned 36, we only had 24 candles...

Everyone has to help blow them out!

It was soooo good!!!!

Here are a few other random pictures from the evening:

Playing games with grandpa whether indoors or outdoors has been a favorite summer pasttime.

Miss "Blue Eyes"

Grace likes to "cook", too!

It was a fun evening together!  

Monday, July 28, 2014

Wisdom's Words: Faith

Abraham's faith was tested when God asked him to give everything.  Faith cannot be less than total. To trust in God means to look to Him alone, to find in Him all our hope, to hold nothing back, no reserve.  Faith is commitment.  Yet, just because faith looks to God and not to ourselves, faith's giving is really receiving.  In commitment, the price faith pays is everything.  But in total trust, the price is nothing.  -Edmund Clowney

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Sister Day

With the summer quickly coming to an end for the two college students in the family, we sisters blocked off this past Monday as a day to spend together.  We decided to spend a couple of hours in the morning at the IMA gardens taking pictures.  God blessed us with a beautiful day.  It was another opportunity for me to practice using my camera, and I had so much fun!  Here's a collection of some of our photos:


Someone tried to provide a little fun... ;)

And we tried a few sister pictures, too:

Following this morning outing, we met with our friend, Beth, to go over her wedding plans for the big day on September 20.  We then hopped over to the church to spend the remainder of the afternoon and evening helping her assemble her wedding invitations.  A whole group of girls joined us for the evening, and we had a great time cutting paper and making the various parts of the invite while enjoying lively conversation and fellowship (and some ice cream, too!).  

Making the wheat, a time-consuming job!

Everyone hard at work...

We had a great team!!!

It was a wonderful day with many special memories!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer Flowers

I recently purchased a new camera and have so enjoyed learning how to use it!  Last Friday night, I went around our yard and practiced snapping photos of our summer flowers.  Here are some of the results:

Rachael, our gardner, was also outdoors at the time and asked me to memorialize for memory's sake her summer injury.  But I was informed to only get the feet and not include the face.  So I followed the orders...

Hopefully she'll have this off in a couple of weeks!

Wisdom's Words: Wisdom

Wisdom...is the possession of the believer given by the Spirit 
that enables him to see history from the divine perspective.
-Peter Davids-

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Celebrating 40 Years!

Sunday, July 20, 2014 marked forty years of God's blessing on Dad and Mom's marriage.  I can't express how grateful I am for the godly home they established for me and my sisters as well as for their faithfulness and love to one another.  It is truly an inspiration!

Even though we had a lot going on Saturday and both Dad and Mom were around the house, we still managed to pull off a little surprise for them, and it was a lot of  fun!  Mom's wedding colors were ivory, green, and a blueish-gray, so I sought to do a little decorating with that color scheme in mind.

Rachael had come across one of Mom's wedding pictures just a couple of weeks ago and noticed that her wedding bouquet consisted of Lilly of the Valley.  So she and I set off Saturday afternoon to track down these flowers and make a replica of her bouquet with silk flowers.  Mom's wedding dress also had lace on it, so we found some lace ribbon to wrap the bouquet together.  The final product turned out to be beautiful!!!

The finishing touch was Mom's wedding picture.  Wasn't she a beautiful bride?

Since Dad had decided to tackle a home repair project in our kitchen that necessitated turning off all the power in the house for most of the day, I had to think creatively on a dessert for the celebration.  I thawed leftover cupcakes from our July 4th, smoothed out the icing, and sprinkled them with silver and green sugar crystals.  One couldn't tell they had been "recycled"!

And here's the happy couple - 

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Number 6:24-26

Friday, July 18, 2014

Closed Doors

Exactly a month ago, I was dreading this day - July 18, 2014.  Actually, much of our spring and early summer had been spent preparing for the planned events of this day, but along with all the work and flurry of activity, the anticipation and dread continued to build inside.  Although I was confident that what was about to happen was God's next step in the life of someone I loved, that knowledge never eased the great anguish in my heart.  How could I say good-bye to my dear sister knowing there would be 500+ miles between us with few visits to ease the pain of separation?  Whenever I envisioned driving away from her apartment and leaving her there, tears would freely flow until I thought I could cry no more.  How could I face it?  One of the biggest fears of my life was staring me right in the face, and there was no way to escape it.  Or so I thought.

You see, on this day - July 18 - my family and I would have been rolling into Charlotte, North Carolina with a truck, minivan, and Honda Civic ready to move Kathy into her apartment as she pursued theological studies for the next three years.  As I said before, our whole family fully supported this pursuit and were excited to see what all God had in store for Kathy through these studies.  But for us, the biggest hurdle was the separation, and though not exactly stating it out loud, we all knew deep down inside the adjustment would be huge - and painful.

Closed Doors

But everything changed in one day.  None of us awoke on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 knowing that Dad would be told he was no longer to be employed at an institution he had served for 23 years.  But by that evening, the reality of such news with its implications began to sink in, and we all sat there in shock and disbelief.  What?  How?  Why?  These and other questions filled our minds as we sought to grasp reality.  To me it all seemed like a bad dream.

The Complexity of Closed Doors

Given the sudden financial change that had taken place, we soon realized that Kathy would not be able to move to Charlotte.  As I alluded to before, we had spent several months preparing for this, and the evidences were all over the house and garage.  We were literally about to begin packing boxes when the news of Dad's termination came.  A dream of Kathy's was only a month away from being fulfilled when in a matter of moments it vanished - and unexpectedly.  A closed door.  A death of a vision.  A major disappointment.  It was a whole lot to take in.

I remember sitting there that night gazing out the window completely stunned.  I could only imagine the heartache Kathy was experiencing and knew it was ten times greater than my own.  How could God do this?  It seemed as if there had been repeated signs of God's blessing on this whole endeavor, and we all had felt a peace knowing this was where God was leading.  Even right down to free furniture - it appeared as if God's hand was in this.  We weren't trying to force this to happen - the way just seemed to open before us. All along the way, we continually asked the Lord to stop us if we were making a mistake, but we seemed to only receive confirmation this was indeed the path to take.   In fact, I recalled sitting in the admission's office at RTS Charlotte in April and concluding, "Why wouldn't Kathy pursue this?"

What I didn't know at the time is that God Himself would answer that question and defy all human logic.

When God Closes Doors

Over the next several days we sought to reason ourselves through the sudden change of circumstances by fleeing to God and His Word.  And the truth of the Scriptures comforted and reassured in ways nothing else could.

How to reconcile where we thought God was leading and walking down a path we thought was within His will only to have it all change in ways undesirable and incomprehensible - I eventually realized it wasn't mine to understand.  Why try to comprehend the mind of God?  It's a futile endeavor.  I could only comfort my confused and aching heart with this knowledge:  This was of God.  It would have been very easy to conclude that God had "pulled the rug out" from underneath us.  But we didn't allow ourselves to go there.  Though we wrestled through deep disappointment and shed many tears of anguish, what would bring peace and comfort was resting in the doctrines of providence and sovereignty.  We had sought the Lord with this matter.  We stepped out in faith to walk this path of obedience.    We hadn't done anything wrong.  God had led, and He was continuing to lead.  This was obviously all coming from His hand.

Let me say this:  When God closes doors, it is the very best thing.

That statement can only be embraced by faith.  Our circumstances, feelings, and dreams were screaming the exact opposite.  But God's hand had shut the door.  And when God's hand shuts the door, the outcome is only goodness.

The Comfort of Closed Doors

We clung to this truth over the next several weeks as we undid everything we had prepared for this upcoming move.  It was excruciatingly difficult to return purchased items, inform the school of our change in plans, cancel the apartment, and consider what the next steps for Kathy would entail.  We continued to give God our confusion, our disappointment, our grief, and our fears.  And we were taken to new depths of trust.

God had obviously led, though it was different from what we envisioned.  Though life looked very bleak at the time, we knew that He had led  - and He would continue to lead.  He wouldn't leave us in the dark.  He wouldn't abandon us altogether. 

There is comfort in closed doors.  You see, we had asked God to stop us if this wasn't His will.  Never in our wildest imagination did we ever conceive it would happen through Dad losing his job, but God had protected.  He had indeed answered our prayer.  We had sought His face, and He showed us His plan.

As long as we are seeking Him, we can never walk outside of His will.  That is comfort to bring one assurance and confidence.  God will stop me.  I can't go wrong.


So as we walk the path of life and encounter its surprises and unexpected turns, be encouraged with this:  
When God closes doors, He will show you more of Himself.  When God closes doors, He will build your faith. When God closes doors, He will open another.

When God closes doors, it is a most beautiful thing.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wisdom's Words: True Joy

There’s joy beyond your wildest dreams if you will just believe: 
This aching thirst for joy you feel God only can relieve, 
And that eternal life is what’s in store 
For all who will believe that only he’s worth living for.

-John Bloom-

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wisdom's Words: Peace

When we trust God to run our lives, we find that we are free to enjoy him and other people...Freedom from fear comes from believing that.  It comes from opening our hearts to embrace God's supply, even if his supply differs from what we think we need.
~Lydia Brownback