Friday, March 27, 2015

The Last Week

Well it has been a remarkable week for me!  On Monday morning, I had no clue of the unique opportunities that lay just around the corner.  I was anticipating the annual Indiana Leadership Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, March 24, 2015.  As in previous years, I was privileged to design the program, sponsor insert, and name tags for committee members, and was looking forward to attending the breakfast with Dad.

On Monday afternoon, I received a phone call from a friend inviting me to attend the Indiana Leadership Prayer Breakfast Committee Reception and Dinner at the Governor's Residence that evening.  Now that's an invitation one can't turn down!  I had never been to the Governor's Residence before - much less been a guest of the Governor and First Lady - so it was with great excitement as well as apprehension that I found myself driving down Meridian Street later that day.  I soon discovered I was in for a real treat.

It was a lovely evening in a lovely setting with a lovely (and remarkable) host and hostess.  I so enjoyed being introduced to Gov. Pence and sharing some conversation with his wife.  They both warmly welcomed me and the other sixty guests there and were obviously more than pleased to have us in their home.

Since Matt Barnes is the chairman of the Prayer Breakfast Committee, he directed the dinner's program which included remarks and prayer from the Gov. & Mrs. Pence, brief introductions from all sixty guests, and a short address from the Prayer Breakfast's keynote speaker, Randy Lewis.

Perhaps the crowning event for the entire evening was joining hands and bowing our heads in prayer, asking for God's blessing and direction on the activities to come the following morning.

 And then the big day came!  There were around 700 guests who attended the breakfast, including our Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, and numerous state legislators.

The programs and inserts I designed were at each place setting.

To me this last picture is priceless.  It truly is remarkable that the state of Indiana has a Governor and First Lady whose faith and love for the Lord is so clearly visible.  I have a new respect for Gov. & Mrs. Pence and sincerely appreciate their conviction to hold to what's true in an environment with tremendous pressure and at times hostility.  May God raise up more leaders like them for this nation.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wisdom's Words

The power of God is that ability and strength whereby He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His infinite wisdom may direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of His will may resolve.
-Stephen Charnock-

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wisdom's Words

Our evils can never be so great to oppress us as his power is great to deliver us.  The same power that brought a world out of chaos, and constituted and hath hitherto preserved the regular motion of the stars, can bring order out of our confusions, and light out of our darkness.
-Stephen Charnock-

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wisdom's Words

The wise man is the one who sees his goals, recognizes the best ways to achieve that goal, and then implements those ways.  The wisdom of God is similar:  God puts his glorious purposes into effect in order to demonstrate his perfect knowledge, sovereign power, and infinite grace.  God's wisdom is evident as he takes the raw, fallen materials of this world and its history to weave a garment of praise and glory for his name.
-Sinclair Ferguson-

Saturday, March 7, 2015

10 Years Later...

The year 2005 held many transitions for our family.  Ben and Laura were joyfully united in marriage on March 5, 2005.

What a day filled with a variety of emotions!  It has been amazing to watch God grow their family both spiritually and physically since that time.  Ten years later and six precious children...what a rich blessing!

2005 also marked the beginning of my secretarial work in the church office.  It was actually the week after Laura's wedding that I filled in for the current administrative assistant while she was out of town.  This one-week experience led to a part-time position shortly thereafter, which blossomed into a full-time position just a year later.

Ten years ago, I would have never imagined that my work in this little office would provide me with endless opportunities to develop confidence and a skill set that I would carry with me into other avenues of work and ministry in the years ahead.  

Ten years later and countless opportunities to learn and serve...a testimony to the Lord's faithfulness and abundant provision.

God has certainly done marvelous things, and I thank him!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wisdom's Words

Trials should not surprise us, or cause us to doubt God's faithfulness.  Rather, we should actually be glad for them.  God sends trials to strengthen our trust in him so that our faith will not fail.  Our trials keep us trusting; they burn away our self-confidence and drive us to our Savior.
-Edmund Clowney-