Friday, April 21, 2017

Vacation at Lake Martin

Rachael and I just returned from a wonderful time away at Lake Martin in Alabama visiting our two very special aunts whom we had not seen in seven years.  It was an adventure navigating different airports during layovers, but thankfully we didn't miss our connections and enjoyed the views during our flights.

Here we are at the airport the afternoon we started our adventure.

When we arrived at the Birmingham airport, Aunt Sharon picked us up and drove us to Aunt Carol's house on Lake Martin.  This is the view that greeted me when I awoke the next morning.  The pictures say it all:  beautiful and peaceful.  

After breakfast, we took a couple of photos on the boathouse.  

Aunt Carol and I also enjoyed a long walk together.  I snapped a picture just to show Dad what great biking paths were here.  We only saw one car the entire time we were walking.

I really enjoyed the natural beauty that surrounded us.

We were treated to a ride on the pontoon boat in the late afternoon. Aunt Carol was a fabulous driver and navigator! 

The dogs joined us, too!

Here is Captain Forbes

Aunt Carol took us all the way out to Grandmother's old lake house.   So many memories came flooding back as we approached the area:  the family gatherings in the summer, paddle boating, water skiing, etc.  

I remember taking the canoe to this area with Dad and fishing one hot summer day.

The sun was beginning to set as we headed back to home base.  

The next morning, we all piled in the car and drove to the town of Auburn, Alabama to see Auburn University from which our grandfather, aunts, and dad and mom all graduated.  

Rachael being silly in the gift shop... :)

Dad lived in these apartments during his time at school.  We were amazed they were still there!

Rachael captured this cute moment with her phone and said it was the highlight of her time in Auburn. ;)

That evening we cooked salmon and vegetables for dinner.  Delicious!

It was time to pack up the next morning  and enjoy our surroundings one last time before we headed back to the airport. It was another beautiful morning which made it even harder to leave.

Rachael and I arrived home that night grateful for the time away and for the opportunity to be with people we loved.  Thanks to Aunts Sharon and Carol for giving us a wonderful vacation!  We enjoyed your fellowship and love you both very much!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wisdom's Words

We need to realize that holiness is not just a call to read the Bible daily, to pray daily, to be faithful church attendees, or to follow any other Christian virtues that have become the essence of Christian living.  Holiness is a thirst, a drive to know God in his fulness and an unashamed commitment to obey God whatever it costs and wherever we are.

-Scot McKnight-

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wisdom's Words

The flames of love should not be extinguished by the winds of persecution.

- Source Unknown - 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Women's Statehouse Day

It has been a very busy season for me.  On Wednesday I was privileged to assist in coordinating as well as photographing the Women's Statehouse Day at the Indiana Statehouse.  At 8:00 that morning, I was wondering if the months of planning were going to come to fruition as three of our program participants informed us they could not attend due to illness, we ran out of supplies in preparing the gift bags, we were two tables short for lunch of what we had been told we would have, etc.  But with all these setbacks, we managed to be ready by 10 a.m., and God truly blessed the event.

Matthew Barnes praying with Sen. Jean Breaux

Pam Russell

Mrs. Jan Aikman Dickson, wife of former IN Supreme Court Chief Justice Brent Dickson

Our table decorations

Our lunch spread catered by Chick-fil-a

I was also privileged to open the event in prayer.

I'm grateful to have several big events behind.  Looking forward to a little vacation and Kathy coming home soon!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wisdom's Words

After telling his readers to live holy lives and to fear God’s discipline and displeasure if they disobey – for God redeemed them from sin at a great cost  - he concludes by reminding them that the God they are to fear as Judge is also the God whom they trust as Savior…The God whom Christians fear is also the God whom they trust forever, the God who has planned and done for them only good from all eternity.

-Wayne Grudem -