Friday, March 28, 2014

A Milestone

Yesterday was a significant day as it marked the end of Kathy's college days.  Yes, she's finished!  After a little more than four-and-a-half years, she finally completed her degree!  We are all so grateful for God's faithful provision along the way as she's pursued these studies and for enabling her to finish well.  What a milestone worth celebrating!

Upon submitting her last assignment, Kathy took a picture of her desk and surrounding "study lounge":

Besides having my sister back, I hopefully get to reclaim our room soon!   Computers, books, papers, binders, tea pots, and snack all hasn't been my most favorite way to decorate our bedroom. :)

We are rejoicing in what God has done and look forward to seeing where He will further lead Kathy in the weeks and months ahead.

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