Thursday, September 25, 2014

Prayer Vigil

Statehouse press release regarding tomorrow's service:

Governor to highlight plight of American Pastor imprisoned in Iran.
Friday September 26th, 2014 marks the two year anniversary of Pastor Saeed Abedini's unlawful detainment and imprisonment in Iran. Prayer vigils will be held in all 50 states and more than 30 countries worldwide.
Pastor Saeed has been the subject of many appeals for his release including President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and many other officials.
The Statehouse event will occur at 10:30 a.m. Friday.
Governor Pence released this statement prior to the event - "For nearly two years U.S. American Pastor Saeed Abedini has been unjustly detained in an Iranian prison. He has endured confinement, beatings and death threats simply for his belief in God. The Scriptures urge us to pray and remember those who are imprisoned for their faith, as if we were with them. Our hearts go out to Pastor Abedini, his wife Naghmeh, and their two little children. His release would be a miracle, but we know that with God, all things are possible." Governor Mike Pence

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