We still greatly enjoy our times together as families on Saturday nights with the Turner clan! Several of the children have taken up music lessons this semester: Essie the violin, and Benjamin and Sarah the piano. They are doing a great job!!! With other musicians in the family, we had to gather everyone together and play around some:
Grandpa has a way with electronics and captivating the grandkid's attention. Here they are watching Auburn football highlights. A bigger screen might be in order for the future...
I was honored to be in a friend's wedding in September, and Kathy and Mom served as assistants to the wedding coordinator.
A particular highlight for me this fall has been serving as a volunteer for the ESL program at our church. It has proved to be a wonderful way for me to learn to interact with internationals and rub shoulders with unbelievers! There are roughly 20 students we minister to every Wednesday night. I have grown to love each one and long to see them come to saving faith in Christ.
The names of many dear people...
This past Wednesday, a friend and fellow volunteer ate dinner with a student before class began. We had a lovely time together!
An exciting event to prepare for this fall has been our church's 50th anniversary celebration on October 18-19, 2014! My family (along with many other helpers) will be serving the reception following the psalm sing service at North United Methodist Church. We are anticipating a crowd of 600+! Coordinating the food for a reception this large has been a little mind-boggling to calculate.
I also helped a committee of people order t-shirts in honor of this celebration. They turned out nice!
These are a few of the highlights from the last month, not to mention continuing to host our Bible study, meeting with friends, auditing a Hermeneutics class, trying to keep up with work responsibilities, and Dad adjusting to a new job. The last several weeks in particular have been stretching for all of us, and we are learning to depend on the Lord in more ways than before known. But God always proves Himself faithful, and we are grateful for what He has given and is doing in our lives. May we be His faithful servants, and live to the praise of His glory!
Dr. Dennis Prutow and fellow classmates | Fall 2014 Hermeneutics class |
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