Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December Happenings

Life continues to unfold at a fast rate of speed!  It really is hard to believe that the year 2015 is just around the corner.  Here are a few highlights from the last weeks:

The ESL graduation at our church was December 10.  It was a lovely time being together with all the students and celebrating their accomplishments from the semester.  Mom and Kathy were able to come and meet Rumana, a young lady from Bangladesh with whom I've been spending a lot of time every week.  It has been a joy to get to know her this fall!

Essie, Benjamin, and Sarah all participated in their very first music recital on December 11! They did a great job!!!  Even Ben got up on stage and played Twinkles with Essie.

We also celebrated Dad's birthday on December 12!  At the dinner table that night, Sarah exuberantly shouted to Grandpa way on the other end of the table, " I LOVE YOU!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  YOU ARE GETTING OLD!!!" =)

The kids made him a big gingerbread cookie, one of his favorites.

There are always excited helpers when opening gifts.

Dad's birthday party was the first time for Samuel to come to our house.  He is a precious little guy.
And big brother adores him!

And now the holidays are upon us!  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Nathan said...

That is a great picture of Benjamin and Samuel! I like how they are looking into each others eyes.