Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wisdom's Words

We need winds and tempests to exercise our faith, to tear off the rotten branches of self-reliance, and to root us more firmly in Christ. The day of evil reveals to us the value of our glorious hope.
- Charles Spurgeon - 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wisdom's Words

"...God's will for us, however painful now, will result in joy inexpressible and full of glory and the salvation of our souls."
-John Bloom-

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wisdom's Words

The truly great people in God’s eyes are not the great achievers but the great believers. They really believe God and therefore seek his kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). They know that they have no greatness of their own — all greatness is God’s — so they are free to be the servants of all (Mark 9:35). Because they know that here they “have no lasting city” (Hebrews 13:14) their eyes are set on the city with everlasting foundations (Hebrews 11:10). That’s where they lay up their treasures (Matthew 6:20), and so they are happy to forego them here as God calls. And the great believers are willing to go into foreign lands and live on the promises of God for the sake of God’s purposes to bless all the families of the earth (Genesis 28:14, Matthew 28:19–20).

In the end, the great believers are the truly great achievers. They build the house that God is building and therefore the greatest house and only house that will last (Psalm 127:1). What they have to show of their lives when they die may not look like much. But what they have built will go on growing forever. It will make an eternal difference; it will leave an eternal mark, the longest-lasting legacy.

-Jon Bloom

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wisdom's Words

Whenever we lose ourselves in prayer as to forget personal interest, and to plead for the glory of God, we have reached a vantage ground from which we can win anything from Him.  
- F.B. Meyer -

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Other Spring Happenings

As I alluded to in previous posts, it has been a particularly full spring with a lot of extra activity.  How I thank the Lord for filling our lives with special people and events centered around his Kingdom and gospel!

I have been blessed to participate in our church's ESL program this last year.  It has been amazing to meet believers from other countries and share with one another the desires that God has put in our hearts.  Last Wednesday was the ESL graduation, and I was thrilled that Mom, Kathy, and Rachael could be there to experience it with me and meet my students from the last semester.  It was an awesome evening savoring ethnic dishes (prepared by the students themselves), enjoying music sung by a native from the Ivory Coast, and hearing what students learned in the various classes and presenting them with their graduation certificates.

Last Saturday, we attended the baby shower of a very special friend who is looking forward to adopting!  I was privileged to be the photographer for the event.

Throughout the last year, we have been blessed to host a ladies Bible study in our home on Monday nights.  Our times together studying the Word and praying for one another are precious memories to us all.  Last night was our last study until the fall, and we decided to take a group picture (though not everyone who usually attended was there).  What a special group of sisters in Christ!

So this more or less wraps up some of what has taken place the last month.  Now it's on to making final lists and packing boxes as Kathy leaves for Mississippi next Thursday.  I look forward to seeing what all God brings my way for the summer!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Grace Turns Two!

Grace turned two on Sunday, May 31!   How fun it has been to watch her grow up and see her own personality develop.  She is definitely one of kind, as is every person that God creates!

We had fun decorating with bright, spring colors and prepared one of the kid's favorite dinners:  homemade pizza and fresh summer fruit.

Grace doesn't seem to get all that excited about dessert time as she is a healthy eater when it comes to the main meal (which I guess isn't all that much of problem... :) )  So when contemplating what to have for her birthday party, we decided to forgo the traditional cake route and serve ice cream sandwiches, an item that rarely makes it into the grocery cart for both families!

That turned out to be a really fun choice which everyone enjoyed - including the birthday girl.  And we still managed to do birthday candles:

Grace didn't seem to quite know what to do after we finished singing "Happy Birthday", so aunts and siblings had to offer some assistance in blowing out the candles. 

But once they were removed, she had no trouble figuring out what to do next! :)

While the three younger children had their baths, Dad, Essie, Benjamin, and Sarah enjoyed a rousing game of Aggravation.  At one point it got so loud that me and Hannah had to join as observers and watch the action.  Benjamin ended up winning the exciting game!

And then came present time.  It was all the adults could do to keep the eager siblings from opening all the presents for Grace, but they were certainly there when assistance was needed.  With a little time, though, she eventually mastered the art.

One of the gifts that Grace received was a small package of Post-It notes with pictures on them.  She particularly enjoys such things but rarely ever gets to use them because they are easily wasted.  But this package of sticky notes was all hers, and she could do whatever she wanted with them.  It was no surprise but still quite amusing when a few minutes after they were out of the package, she was already taking them a part and saying, "Owl!  Owl!  Owl!"  Of course, the same picture was on all of them, but she had to discover that herself - and each new sheet warranted an enthusiastic response.

What a fun evening together!  Children are truly a blessing from the Lord!