Friday, July 31, 2015

A Birthday!

Laura's birthday was Tuesday, July 28, and last Saturday was the family birthday party.  As last year, we went with a blue and white theme and cut fresh flowers from our backyard gardens.

At her request, I baked a three-layer lemon blueberry cake.  It was so delicious and enjoyed by all!!!

Here we are putting on the candles and getting ready to blow them out.  Brother Ben suggested I make a rectangular cake next year so that the candles aren't so close together - or maybe stop putting the exact number on! :)

Samuel enjoyed his bottle for dessert.  Don't you just love this little guy?

God has blessed Laura with a beautiful family, and we thank him for each and every one!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Local Government Initiative

I am thrilled to share with you a new ministry initiative that Capitol Commission is seeking to launch in the state of Indiana!  In recent months, God has given Matthew Barnes a growing vision to see ministry take place at the local government level.  The end desire is that churches and believers across the state will become involved in their communities through prayer and acts of service.  Hence, we are pleased to announce the Local Government Initiative sponsored by Public Servants' Prayer.

In a day and age when it might be tempting for Christians to shrink back and remain out of politics, the Local Government Initiative is an effort to encourage believers to engage in active participation in their local communities.  The challenge is straightforward:  Will you pray?  Will you honor your leaders?  Will you serve your community?  As we interact with our local officials in the spirit of 1 Peter 2:12-17, lives will be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and our communities subsequently changed for the better.
Over the course of many weeks, Matt and several on his team (including myself) have been attending city council meetings in an effort to become aware of community needs and begin praying for officials who serve at city and township levels.  And the results have been staggering!  Matt himself has had several positive conversations with his own city mayor, and doors have opened for me to have encouraging interactions with my City Councillor.  

If you want to become aware of your communities' true needs and seek to make positive change, this is the way to do it!  Rather than being critical, begin praying for important matters and seek to gain a relationship with your leaders.  As John Knox wisely stated, "You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time."

If you would like assistance in knowing how to begin this initiative in your own community, feel free to contact me.  I would be delighted to share the simple steps I implemented which in turn have opened exiting doors for ministry.

Wisdom's Words

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Summer Happenings Continued

This summer has been absolutely lovely.  The milder temperatures along with numerous rainstorms have created a landscape of vibrant colors.

This rainbow that appeared last week after a thunderstorm was just splendid against the backdrop of dark clouds.  It once more reminded me of the covenant promise God made with Noah that he would never again destroy the earth with a flood.  Oh that we would continually praise the Lord for his faithfulness and mercy!

Several weeks ago, Rachael and I enjoyed an evening on the canal downtown with some special friends.  We decided to rent two paddle boats and float on the water.  We had a blast together!  We worked up quite a sweat but cooled down afterwards with frozen yogurt.

I've been working on several graphic art projects the last weeks.  Two have been the Christmas card and birthday card we will send to all of Indiana's legislators in the coming year.  Here's part of the finished product for both:

In a future post, I hope to report on a new ministry initiative that I am very excited about and in which God seems to be opening new doors of influence.  I hope that others will catch the vision and test the waters wherever God has placed them.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Celebrating 41 Years

A remarkable couple
whose union in the Lord
blesses the world and glorifies the Lord God.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Salvation Testimony

God’s blessing and grace have been evident in my life since my earliest days.  I was born into a family with parents who loved God and shared a desire to raise their children in the fear and knowledge of God.   My sisters and I grew up in an environment where we were daily taught about Jesus Christ and His work of redemption on the cross, and my childhood days hold sweet memories of learning what it means to love and obey Him.   God worked in my heart and opened my eyes to see my need for a Savior at a young age, and I placed my faith in Christ when I was around seven years old.

My life since that time has never been the same as God has used His Word, experiences, and people to further His sanctifying work in me and make me who I am today.  My teen and young adult years in particular have been spiritually rich as God has shaped me through the trials of life.  Psalm 119:71 says, "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes."  Learning to fully trust God's goodness, love, and wisdom have been hallmarks of spiritual growth and depth for me as God has continually brought me to the end of myself in order to strengthen my faith and open my eyes to see Him for who He truly is.  It has been through heartache and sorrow that God has given me what I have needed the most:  a deeper understanding of His faithfulness and  an unshaken confidence in His promises.  I praise God for this work and thank Him for giving me above and beyond what I could ever ask or think.

My friends and pastors from Second Reformed Presbyterian Church have also held a significant role in my spiritual growth as they’ve challenged me in Bible study, offered opportunities for ministry within the church and surrounding community, encouraged my interests and pursuits, and most importantly, called me to live a Christ-filled, Gospel-focused life.   It has been a great privilege for me to be part of the staff at Second Reformed Presbyterian Church the last ten years and see first-hand how God is building His church.  I look forward to continue serving there as long as God allows.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wisdom's Words

A little thing is just a little thing, but faithfulness in a little thing is a great thing.
-Hudson Taylor-

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Book Nook

The following are a few books that I have read over the last several months which have proven to be both instructive and encouraging in my walk with the Lord:

Kingdom, Come!

by Dr. Phil Ryken

This little 130-page book is a treasure!  If you want to put some good thoughts in your mind before dozing off to sleep without having to read for several hours, this is the book to pick up.  The chapters are short, but the lessons contained in each one are powerful and cut right to the heart of our earthly pursuits and investments.  Dr. Ryken reminds the reader of the Kingdom of God and how this Kingdom is to shape everything about the life of a believer.  He calls the church back to the fundamental pursuit of what is eternal as we live in a culture that is all about the here and now.  The Kingdom of God is no abstract idea.  It is here, and we are to pursue it and proclaim it.

The Secret of Contentment

by William B. Barcley

This book is a simplified version of the famous work, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment  by Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs.  It gave me some concrete principles to consider in my own life as I mature in biblical contentment and joy.  An excellent read if you are wanting a greater understanding of contentment as explained from the Scriptures.

Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God

by Noel Piper

I found this book difficult to put down every time I opened its pages.  It contains the biographies of five women who were used as great servants of God in his church and Kingdom.  They were all ordinary women, not necessarily possessing anything attractive according to the world's standards.  But they were women who listened to the call of God on their lives and gave themselves to that pursuit, even if it entailed great sacrifice and suffering.  And their extraordinary God did amazing things through them!  I was challenged as I read their stories and considered God's work in my own life and how he is leading me.  May I respond as Mary of old, "Behold I am the servant of the Lord; let it be according to your word."  (Luke 1:38)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wisdom's Words

There is no ideal place for us to serve God except the place he sets us down.  We are not to run from it on a whim or sudden notion, but we should serve the Lord in it by being a blessing  to those among whom we live.
-Charles Spurgeon

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Mysterious and Marvelous Ways of God

My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day long, for their number is past my knowledge...You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?
Psalm 71:15, 19b

Psalm 71 has always been particularly special to me, for it is the Psalm that Dad claimed for me at my baptism over 15 years ago.  One of the themes that runs through this psalm is that of praising God for his mighty deeds and proclaiming his "power to all those to come."  (vv18b)  Over the past many years, I have come to see more and more that the pen is a means to proclaim this greatness as well as to preserve for future generations the gracious and awesome deeds of our God. 

Recently, as I have been reflecting on God's goodness in my own life - how he has led and provided and filled my days and years with so many worthwhile pursuits - it suddenly dawned on me that I needed to capture those moments and experiences on paper to provide for myself and for those behind me a written record of God's faithfulness, a history of his abundant provision and a memorial of his greatness and power.

So I invite you to join me as I walk a path tracing the conception and fulfillment of a heart's desire that has blossomed into opportunities that I never dreamed were on the horizon for me.  It's a story that remains yet unfinished, but its beginning only fans into flame anticipation for what God has next.  His ways are mysterious - but they are indeed marvelous!


The Big Question

All high school graduates face the same daunting questions which, for some, have no ready answers:    "Where are you going to school?"  What's your major?"  "What are you going to do with your life?"  Those years following graduation and being ushered into the "real"world can be some of the most challenging, especially for those who can't seem to carve out a plan for the next five or ten years of their lives.  I know from experience, for I was one of them.

After I graduated from high school, it seemed as if God put an interest in my heart that I couldn't seem to figure out what he wanted me to do with.  I distinctly remember the day when I told Mom that I was keenly interested in politics.   But what did God have specifically for me with it???  I did not have the foggiest idea.  I didn't necessarily feel called to major in political science or pursue a law degree.  All I could tell them was that the desire to be involved in the political arena was strong and continued to grow stronger day
by day.  As the months and years went by and I prayed and prayed and prayed asking for God's wisdom and direction, it seemed as though he wasn't answering, and that the restlessness inside only continued to grow greater and greater until at times it had me in tears.

Those were extremely hard days and months.  I recall praying to God with desperation: "What do I do?  How do you want me using this interest?"  I also remember having extensive conversations with Dad and Mom regarding life direction.  How patient they were with me!  We talked, we explored options, we prayed together, and I was encouraged not to ignore what was in my heart.  Many questions, continued searching - all that seemed to lead nowhere.

God Leads, Step By Step

In those dark moments when it seemed as if my life was going in an aimless direction and God felt so distant, He was indeed working in ways I could not fully see.  It is faith that causes one to understand that there is purpose in apparent hold-ups, advancement in dead ends, beautiful growth in hardship and trial.

And this is what God did for me.  His timetable certainly did not match my own, but the story he was writing was one only he could mastermind.  The little things, the next small steps were all preparation  for the fulfillment of what he planted in my heart.

The year 2005 was a time of transition for our family.  Laura was married in March, and the three remaining at home began to branch out and pursue individualized areas of interest.  That same month a friend from my church, knowing my interest in politics, invited me to spend a day with her at the Indiana Statehouse and participate in one of their tours.  That was an incredible day for me!  I literally fell in love with the place and people and knew I wanted to do something there - but I didn't know what it was.

During that year of continued searching and prayer, God also opened the door for me to begin serving at my local church as the administrative assistant.  This in and of itself was a dream come true for me, a marvelous work of God!  Through this position in a safe environment with people who encouraged and nurtured me, I grew in proficiency and confidence as well as discovered another area of interest:  graphic design.  Unknown to me, all these elements were vital in God's next chapter of my life story.

God leads step by step.  Though so often I want to see the full picture and know where I'm headed, it's very rare that God chooses to work that way.  This is why it is so important that we are faithful in the little things and that we trust God as we watch him lead step by step.

More Pieces

During those first several years working at my church as I learned how to manage an office and grew in my knowledge of basic and more advanced computer skills, I continued to ponder the area of politics, still being quite puzzled as to how God would have me use it.  But beyond being actively involved in this arena, God also began putting on my heart the need for prayer in this arena - prayer for our country and for those holding office.  As I daily read his Word, verses and passages of Scripture continued to pop out at me as specific ways to pray for our leaders.  During my 40 minute commute to work four days a week, I would pray these Scriptures for my country and for those serving in office who claimed the name of Christ.

Those hours spent on my knees were another piece in God's puzzle, for I began to be more and more burdened for the spiritual state of our leaders rather than necessarily being caught up in the politics of politics.  Yes, I did enjoy the "political" side, but what raptured my attention more was the pursuit of the Kingdom in politics, the gospel of Christ going forth and changing the lives of men and women.

Through mutual acquaintances, I became familiar with organizations such as the Center for Christian Statesmanship based in Washington, DC as well as local ministries in our own statehouse such as Public Servants' Prayer founded by Matthew Barnes.  The latter ministry in particular held my interest.  My church financially supported the ministry and occasionally invited Matt to come and present a report of what God was doing through him in the heart of our own capitol.  I always became excited when I heard his presentations and signed my family up to receive his monthly newsletters.

The Path Unfolds

After working in the church office for almost two years, I began to ponder if there was something in addition to this position that God wanted me to pursue.  I didn't want to necessarily find another job that would pull me away from serving my church family.  It would take something unique, something that was part-time which I could do on the side as I worked in the office.  Once again, though, I felt like I hit a wall - I didn't know what this would look like or how it could possibly happen.

In December 2008 during the holiday break, I vividly recall having another conversation with Mom discussing these matters.  As we pondered together what I could possibly do in addition to working in the office I said, "If Matt Barnes ever needed administrative help, I'd sure love to do it!  But that would never happen.  He doesn't know me..." 

Why did I doubt the ability of God?  Humanly speaking yes, it seemed impossible.  But, as I was soon to find out, with God all things are possible.

It was the very next afternoon that we received in the mail a ministry update from Matthew Barnes.  I was reading the second page towards the end when I almost couldn't believe my eyes.  There Matt expressed that he and his wife Miriam were praying for someone to come alongside them and support them with the administrative details of the ministry.  They didn't know who that would be, but they had a great need and were asking their supporters to pray with them for God's provision.

I was stunned.  Could it be this was God's answer for me and them?

After some discussion with Dad and Mom as well as my church leadership and receiving their blessing to explore this possible opportunity, I contacted Matt.  This was a bold step for me.  He didn't know me and I didn't know him.  I didn't want to get my hopes too high.  I was a total stranger to them and knew it would take supernatural gut for them to even entertain the idea.

A Desire Fulfilled

Well, this was indeed God's provision for me and the Barnes family.  It was during the 2009 legislative session that I joined Matt's team and entered the political arena through a ministry focused on bringing the gospel to our state's leaders.  So amazing, truly a work of God!  I am indebted to Matt and Miriam for opening their hearts and lives to me and giving me the opportunity to learn and grow alongside them. 

Incredible doors of opportunity have opened to me through being a part of Public Servants' Prayer and now  Capitol Commission Indiana.  The administrative skills I refined in working for my church proved to be an invaluable asset as Matt delegated more and more to me.  And my interest in graphic design took on new levels as Matt relied on me for much of his promotional materials and had me create the initial logo for Public Servants' Prayer.

I have also been able to interact with Indiana's leaders on a spiritual level and participate in calling on churches to know their leaders, pray for them, and find ways to minister to them as they serve Hoosiers in public office.  I've been blessed to coordinate multiple prayer services, Pastors' Statehouse Days, Women's Days and other events at the Statehouse as well as manage many of the administrative details that come with a fruitful and growing ministry.  I have met people I thought I'd never meet and attended events I never imagined I would attend.  And all because of God's amazing work and gracious provision.

Well Worth the Wait

All those years of waiting and silence were working towards something, something that I couldn't ever fathom.  Had I been impatient and taken matters into my own hands, I don't know that I would be where I am today.  There were honestly days that I did doubt God's ability and power, but as the years went by and I continued to wait on him, he began to replace that doubt with a quiet confidence and assurance, an assurance that rested in his character and power rather than my ability and ingenuity.

It was well worth the wait!  Many days as I reflect on the path God has taken me, my heart breaks forth in praise and thanksgiving.  He has indeed accomplished above and beyond all that I could ever ask or think.

As I said at the beginning, the story isn't finished.  But the foundation that God has laid in my heart through these years and experiences gives me hope and anticipation for how he'll continue to lead in the future.  It may be totally unconventional and diametrically opposed to human logic.  But it will be beautiful because God will be praised and glorified.

So take heart.  Your present circumstances may be similar to my own years of searching and waiting.  Always remember that God is working and that he is using every detail in your life to prepare you for service in his Kingdom.  It is not a waste.  He will show you the path, and it will be something that brings him great honor and glory.

The ways of God - mysterious and yet so marvelous.

You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?

2015 Statehouse Prayer Service

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thoughts for the 4th

On the eve of our country's 239th birthday, my heart cannot but be sad in light of last week's Supreme Court ruling.  However, in the last week, I have come across two articles that have helped shape my thinking and guide my response.  As we approach the national holiday tomorrow, I thought I'd post them here in hope that they will encourage you as they have me.

Article 2:  Written by Matthew Barnes (follows below)
A Fresh Approach to Political InvolvementI have been ministering in the Indiana Statehouse for more than 10 years. God has opened more doors than I would have ever imagined, and it all started with God impressing on my heart to pray for leaders. I found that it is impossible to hate someone for whom you earnestly pray. I can honestly say that I love politicians! Politicians are simply people who hurt, feel and bleed the same as you and I.  Some of them know Christ, others do not. The political arena has a vacuum of pastoral care.
Many people want to influence politics and politicians. Every time there is a perceived political loss for people of faith, there are passionate calls for pastors and churches to engage. This is true of churches on all sides of the political spectrum.  However, influence takes time and integrity. Let people know you care about them, and they are more likely to listen. Earn the right to be heard.
Biblical Foundation
In 1 Peter 2:12-17, God gives us a path to sharing the Gospel with leaders.
"Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation." (vs. 12)
·         "Conversation" in this verse refers to how we talk and conduct ourselves, or our behavior.  We are to be a benefit to our communities and society at large.
·         "Among the Gentiles" calls attention to unbelievers.
·         "The day of visitation" can have several applications, from civil leaders visiting a church, to Judgement Day. Matthew Henry and John Gill indicate that "the day of visitation" likely refers to when God visits a soul to draw them to Himself.
·         Note the parallel language and concept in 1 Peter 2:18 and 3:1
Verses 13-14 admonish the believer to submit to civil government.

“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.”

Verse 15 reconnects the unbelieving leaders mentioned in verses 13-14, back to verse 12.

“For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.” (vs. 15)

The will of God is that while you are submitting to authority and doing good works, you are stopping the mouths of those who speak ill of you. If your local government sees your ministry and appreciates the efforts, God can use it to draw their hearts to Him. So how do we engage these leaders who think badly of the people of God?
Here is a three-fold mission plan that is both biblical and practical.

Prayer, Honor, Service
1) PRAY - Although it may seem to lack the flashy appeal that comes with political action, it is the biblical believer’s mandate found in 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Prayer is the most powerful action you can perform.  Why settle for twisting the arm of a political leader when we know the One who holds their heart in His hands? (Proverbs 21:1) While it is indeed vital to have Christians serving in the public sphere, prayer should lead to action, not vice versa.

"Prayer does not fit us for the greater works, prayer is the greater work!" Oswald Chambers
Our team has spent countless hours and resources to develop a free tool to assist you in systematically praying for all of your state and federal legislators. You can find it at Sign up for a daily or weekly email, follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook from your state page on the website.
2) HONOR - “I respect the office, but not the officeholder.” Is this biblical reasoning?  First Peter 2:17 states, "Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." It appears we are to honor both the person and the position.  We do not have to agree with their actions to honor and love them.  It is difficult to influence someone without first honoring them.
3) SERVE - Peter encouraged the people of God to let civil government leaders see their good works, which will bring God glory. Serving communities by helping the widows, fatherless, poor, needy, and elderly actually directs people to Jesus. This is not advocating for a works-based gospel, but merely pointing out that believers are saved to good works. (See Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:16) Be aware that government leaders see straight through a façade and often presume (rightly so) that everyone wants something from them.  View the political arena as a mission field. Serve with authenticity, sincerity and integrity. Steer clear of ulterior motives and hidden agendas.
All states have local governments. Indiana has 10,746 elected leaders. There are 92 counties with courthouses, scores of cities and towns, numerous school boards, elected sheriffs, judges, township trustees, etc. The doors to government meetings are open to the public. Go to the various bodies of government and silently pray while public meetings are being held. If you want to know where a community needs ministry, listen to elected leaders. They have their finger on the pulse of the problem areas.   
There is a local unit of government quite near you and your church. If you need help finding when your local government meets, our team can help.  We are even willing to assist you by attending meetings with you or making introductions with leaders.
We may be surprised what God will do with this initiative. As you begin to pray specifically for your leaders and their requests, your church may find ways to assist local civil government. Your church may already do many things to benefit your local community. This is wonderful, but a key piece of 1 Peter 2:12 says that the leaders will "behold" the good works. We don't have to trumpet our good deeds, but we can let local leaders know what we are doing and ask how we can be more effective.
Use this simple mission statement to guide you - I will PRAY, I will HONOR my leaders, I will SERVE my community.
Access is granted. Influence is earned.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer Happenings

Well, we are officially into the summer with the approach of the Independence Day holiday.  The last month has been one of transition for all of us as we moved Kathy to Jackson, Mississippi for the next couple of months.  We thank the Lord that she is doing well and greatly enjoying her Hebrew class, though we all do miss one another.  I've been trying to get used to having my own room.    While barely into the second week of classes, I found myself saying to Kathy on the phone, "Having my own room is going to get old real quick!"

I guess you could say we have all somewhat adjusted to the change and settled into new routines.  Rachael and I have enjoyed walking and biking together in the evenings as well as mowing the lawn and maintaining the flower beds.  With the cooler temperatures and rain, everything is green and continuing to grow so fast - including the weeds!

With the slower pace that the summer months bring, I have appreciated the opportunity to pursue other avenues of interest and devote more time to reading and writing.  One of my projects the last several weeks in the office has been designing the 2016 church birthday and anniversary calendar.  I am very grateful that a couple in the church supplied all the images this year.  The theme that I settled upon is the names of God.

Last week, I arranged for Matt Barnes to give Laura and the family as well as some friends from church and a former ESL student from Taiwan a tour of the Statehouse.  We had a great time together!

A significant milestone last Sunday was Samuel's baptism.  Such a cute little guy...

That's all for now.  As I mentioned earlier, I have enjoyed doing some extra writing the last week which you'll see on the blog shortly! 

Wisdom's Words

The wisdom God gives will not always be immediate, but it will be perfect and it will reward you in full forever.

-Marshall Segal-