Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wisdom's Words

The only truth that can still and strengthen our hearts when we suffer is the truth that our good, kind, and all-powerful heavenly Father is permitting our temporary pain for a short time to bring about our everlasting pleasure in him.
-Jimmy Needham-

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Living Hope

So I was driving home from work last night marveling at the the beauty that lay before me.  The thundershowers earlier that morning and afternoon had seemed to make the landscape suddenly come alive with a vividness and freshness that had yet to be seen this spring.   Lush green grass; trees budding with blossoms in an array of white and pink hues; crocuses, daffodils, and hyacinths dotting yards and gardens that been dead just weeks ago.   It was all such a gorgeous landscape against a backdrop of dark clouds with the sun beginning to break forth and penetrate the earth, making the raindrops glisten beneath its rays.

As I revelled in this glorious masterpiece, I scratched my head and wondered:  So why do people hang eggs from their trees???  What God has created is far superior!

For how fitting for this new life to dramatically appear the week that Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It is as if creation itself was shouting and boasting in the eternal life that is given to the people of God through the resurrection of Christ from the dead.  And the words from 1 Peter 1 which I had been studying weeks before took on new meaning:

"According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..."

Our hope is living because Christ is living.  What was dead is made alive.  And what is made alive is called to praise the God of all creation.

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, may we thank him for and live in light of this living hope.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wisdom's Words

A soul full of trust in God finds prayer almost effortless.  But a soul full of doubt finds prayer a heavy burden.
-John Piper-

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wisdom's Words

The spirit of charity is the opposite of a selfish spirit.  Selfishness is a principle that contracts the heart, and confines it to self, while love enlarges it, and extends it to others.

-Jonathan Edwards - 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spring Photography

The season is changing, and it is most welcome here in the Midwest!  I have enjoyed pulling out my camera and taking pictures of some of the beautiful spring flowers.

Ben and Laura celebrated their 11th anniversary this past Saturday, and this called for a special flower arrangement highlighting their wedding colors as well as flowers of significance throughout their relationship.  I just loved the blue hydrangea, even though it lasted only one day!

With coming warmer weather, I look forward to practicing my photography even more.  I find it so rewarding to capture the beauty of God's creation.  What he has made by the word of his power is beyond description.  We truly do serve an amazing God!

Friday, March 4, 2016

The Passing Days

It seems like I've been in a whirlwind since the first of the year, but now that many of my extra responsibilities and pressures have passed, the dust is beginning to settle around me and I'm trying to get back on my feet again.  As with the changing of the season, it is time for reevaluation and new routines so that the proper priorities are once more maintained.  I'm looking forward to what the warmer weather hast to offer!

Now for a look back at the last several weeks...

For Valentine's Day I made a three-layer, strawberry, heart-shaped cake.   I also baked brownies so that Benjamin didn't have to eat a pink dessert that night.  But lo and behold, everyone loved the cake, and Benjamin sweetly informed me that the color didn't bother him this year!

On February 23, 2016, we hosted a Pastors' Statehouse Day.  I enjoyed my role as registration coordinator.  We were privileged to have our sessions in the State Library Author's Room.  The architecture reminded me of our government buildings in Washington DC.  So beautiful!

This past weekend, I helped to host a baby shower for a friend.  It was a sweet time together.

I look forward to posting more regularly in the coming months.  Cheers to a beautiful weekend ahead!