Here is what I'm grateful for as I reflect on the last several weeks -
- That Mom was able to attend the Statehouse prayer service before she became ill with a central line infection.
- That we had a RN in the family who recognized the signs of sepsis and made the call to take action before it was too late.
- That Kathy was home from Jackson, Mississippi to be with us while Mom was gravely ill and hospitalized.
- That we had an entire "army" of God's people praying for Mom and our family during those uncertain hours and days.
- That God allowed the doctors to quickly identify the bacteria and begin effective treatment.
- That God chose to spare Mom from death.
- That the administering of the IV antibiotics at home every four hours for over a week ended the very morning Kathy flew back to school. We couldn't have kept up the regiment without her.
- That Rachael was skilled in changing a central line dressing - all because she had previously worked for 6 months on an ICU floor.
Only God could mastermind all those details. And that brings me great comfort as I face the unknown future. I know that our faith has grown through these challenging times, and that fruit is far more precious to me than having an easy and care-free life. I am so grateful for what God has done and thank him for who he is and the promises he has given us.
Please continue praying for us during these days. Mom continues to struggle in recovering and will have additional tests done in the near future. The trial certainly isn't over, but I know our God will care for us and provide for us.