Thursday, July 19, 2018

Summer Highlights

The summer has been full with both joys and sorrows.  I'm grateful for God's faithfulness and for the evidences of his love that comfort my heart through the simple things he brings my way -

I was part of a committee who planned the first 2RP Women's Retreat in June.  It was a blessed time together growing in our understanding of discipleship and fellowshipping with one another.  I'm grateful for these sisters in Christ!

The dry and warm weather has brought plenty of opportunity for bike rides, and these little ones are great companions!

All the pedaling requires stopping for some sweet treats. :)

These two aren't quite up to speed on their own two wheels yet, but they are full of smiles and hugs.

One lonely sunflower can bring so much joy...

...and the American flag against the backdrop of a clear blue sky makes one grateful for the privileges they enjoy in their own country.

The evenings have been spent catching up with longtime friends who now live out-of-state...

...or getting to know someone better by walking 7 miles together!

I work with some of the best people one could ask for!  I'm blessed to serve with them for the sake of the gospel.

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed I have a beautiful inheritance. 
-Psalm 16:6 - 

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