Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ladies' Tea

I'm grateful for the Lord's blessing on the Ladies' Tea last night.  This last week was quite stressful preparing for the event, and just yesterday afternoon, I was beginning to wonder if my weeks of careful planning were for nought.  Between dealing with a severe reaction to poison sumac that almost knocked me off my feet to a pipe bursting at the church Thursday afternoon and the building having no water until Friday afternoon, it is only because of the Lord's mercy, the fervent prayers of my friends, and the faithful help of many that the evening proved to be lovely.  I am so grateful.

Here are a few photos -

I loved the way the flower arrangements looked:

Dad and Benjamin, Essie, and Sarah put together these little treat bags which were at each place setting.

My friends loaned some beautiful tea cups to use for the evening:

The menu consisted of chicken salad sandwiches, buttermilk scones, cranberry white chocolate scones, poppy seed muffins, British shortbread, grapes, and cheese.  We brewed four types of tea:  English Breakfast, Darjeeling, Decaf Irish Breakfast, and Cinnamon Spice.

It was a treat to have State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell share with us about her work and the blessing that Public Servants' Prayer has been in her life.  We continue to pray for her and all those working on  our behalf.

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