Saturday, September 8, 2018

Summer Days

It has been a full summer.  Here are a few pictures that tell the story:

James turned 1 years old, and he didn't have any trouble figuring out how to open presents.

Dad and I biked 27 miles one afternoon for ice cream!

I had a run in with poison sumac that almost knocked me off my feet.  It was awful.

Dad and I enjoyed taking the older grandkids to a baseball game.  Benjamin took home a ball and Grace the popcorn bowl (which stayed in her lap the entire game).

I was thrilled to spend several days in Duluth with Kathy & Nathan enjoying the beauty of Lake Superior and soaking up time with two people I love dearly.

I'm grateful for the friends back home God has placed around me who plan fun tea dates and pray for me regularly.

Now fall is around the corner.  Though we don't know what all is in store, we know that our God has our best interest in mind, and that he does all things well.

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