Friday, August 9, 2019

Covenanter History: Darmead

Three great Covenanter ministers held conventicles on this secluded spot on Darmead Muir. Rev. Richard Cameron had returned after being ordained by the Reformation Church in Holland in October 1679, and he preached at a conventicle here, but then lived only 9 months before being killed in the Battle of Airds Moss, 1680. His close friend, Rev. Donald Cargill, had also preached here, but soon after was captured and hanged at the Grassmarket in Edinburgh in 1681. His death inspired the young James Renwick to go into the ministry. In 1683, after returning from his ordination in Holland, Renwick came here to preach his first sermon. He chose as his text, Isaiah 26:20, the last passage on which Cargill had preached. Renwick deliberately picked up where Cargill had left off. #covenanterhistory

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