Monday, June 10, 2013

Of Work and Sandboxes

Well, the last week and a half has flown by!  Between keeping four precious children, resuming work and school responsibilities, hosting our bi-weekly Bible study, going to an evening baseball game, meeting with friends, and seeking to maintain daily life in between all the extras, the days have passed quickly!  Although I've fallen into bed exhausted many nights, my heart can't help but thank the Lord for all the good things He's done.  Truly, "the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."  (Psalm 16: 6)

A project that was started while keeping the kids was the sandboxes.  Given that the weather was cool and rainy during their four-day stay, we resumed cutting and building this past Saturday.

The finished product will be two sandboxes, one small and the other bigger, with a ramp spanning between them for the dump trucks and "diggers" the kids play with.

We didn't quite complete everything by the time the kids arrived late Saturday afternoon for their weekly visit, but that didn't stop their imaginations or desire to "test"what had been built.  Even without sand, they brought all the toys outside and had a great time.  

Benjamin commented, "This is the BEST sandbox ever!"  We are happy he's satisfied since he told Grandpa several weeks ago that the large sandbox needed to be as big as our kitchen. ;)

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