Monday, August 19, 2013

The New Complete!

Last Friday was an important day in our home as the flooring installation was finally completed!  After three weeks of our surroundings in a constant disarray, it has been so wonderful to have everything in its proper place and order (and peace) restored!  Today, as I sorted boxes and helped to put some in the attic and then cut down others for the recycle bin, it was hard to believe that a project we've talked about for 10 years or more was finally done, and that all the boxes we had been packing/unpacking and moving all over the house for the last three weeks wouldn't be used again for a long time.  What a relief!

I love these before-and-after pictures.  We'll treasure them years later when we recall all that we experienced throughout this ordeal.

It was certainly a family project!  Each one pitched in and did what they could while juggling numerous other responsibilities.  We actually really enjoyed spending time with one another while working toward a common goal.  I won't deny that it was a lot of work (and we did get a little weary toward the end), but the final product has been so rewarding.  We thank God for His provision and blessing and continue to ask that He use our home for kingdom purposes.

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