Monday, October 14, 2013

Saturday Fun

Several weekends ago, we spent a Saturday afternoon enjoying Grandpa's sandboxes.  Grandma had gone to Goodwill to get "cooking supplies," and Benjamin had free access to all the trucks. :)  Rachael enjoyed making culinary creations with the girls while Benjamin collected weeds in his truck.  (Someone has to make sure the sand is clean!)  We discovered an earthworm (rather dehydrated) which Benjamin and Sarah thoroughly enjoyed.  I thought I'd share a few pictures that Kathy snapped while everyone played.  We had a great time together!

Our little Grace is growing up!  She smiles when someone talks to her, but we didn't get that on the camera.  She watched the sandbox activities from the safe arms of her Aunt Jenny.  Sooner than later she'll be part of all the fun, too!

Hannah reminds me of a social butterfly - going from one thing to the next and making conversation  that brings smiles to the faces of those around her.  For some reason this particular afternoon, she was captivated by the planes flying overhead and would frequently stop what she was doing to look up and say with great enthusiasm, "Airplane!"  

Rachael and Hannah cooked together.  They made a very cute pair.

Here are some pictures of the rest of the crew:

In the middle of all the activity, Rachael and Essie had to have some cuddle time.  Here they are giving each other nose kisses. :)

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