Monday, August 10, 2015

A Sure Entrance

It was a cold, damp March afternoon.  As I drove down Meridian Street, I could feel myself becoming more and more nervous.  I continued to rehearse what I had been told only hours earlier.  "The security guards are nice.  Just tell them you were invited at the last minute because of a cancellation."

As I pulled into the entrance of the Governor's residence, the stone-faced security guard standing there was far from comforting to this apprehensive guest.  "What's your name?" he asked as he looked down at his list.  "Jenny Blankenship" I replied.  "I was invited to take another guests' place who had to cancel."

The longer it took for him to read down the list of names the more I became unsure of myself.  I had nothing to give this officer as proof of invitation other than what I had been told by the event coordinator earlier that afternoon.  I went based on her word.  And I had been informed no one could enter the premise unless their name was on that list.

After what seemed like an eternity to me, the guard finally looked up and gave me clearance to proceed.  With a huge sigh of relief, I cruised up the drive and experienced an evening that I was soon to never forget.


It was indeed a high honor to be invited to this exclusive dinner in the Governor's residence with the Governor and First Lady and several other distinguished leaders.  But I could not enjoy these special privileges until that security officer found my name on his approved guest list and allowed me access to enter.  And my apprehension didn't wane until I knew that the actions of another for my benefit - which I acted upon in faith -  were indeed reality. 

This whole experience reminds me of something else, something far more important than a dinner at the Governor's residence.  Life isn't only about the here and now.  There's another Kingdom coming, and its future residents belong to the King of kings and Lord of lords.  Whether one is a part of this Kingdom or not determines their eternal destiny.

In order to attend the dinner that evening, my name had to be on the guest list, but someone else had to add my name.  I couldn't do anything about it myself.  I acted based on the decisions of another.  All that I did and all that I experienced that evening which changed my life were entirely a result of someone else's actions for my benefit.

And so it is with the Kingdom of God.  This is why the gift of salvation is so beautiful.  We have absolutely nothing to do with it.  No goodness of of our own, no beauty, no fame, no wealth can ever purchase what the people of God are given through the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ.  The only basis for any confidence that one's name is written in the Book of Life is because Jesus Christ died for them and his blood has washed them of sin and made them righteous before God the Father so that they can stand in his presence, see him face-to-face, and praise him with the angelic host for all of eternity.

We have nothing to do with our salvation.  It is all a gift of God through his Son, Jesus Christ.  He alone grants one faith to believe, and the means of salvation are applied and sealed.  Because this salvation is based on the person and work of Christ, it is sure and settled.  There is no room for doubt or performance.  It's sealed.  It's accomplished.  And all because of Christ.

Unlike that evening in March when I was afraid I would not be granted entrance, when it comes to the Kingdom of God, there is a bold confidence that I will indeed be with the Lord for all eternity because I belong to Christ, and what he has done for me has made me righteous.  And because of this beautiful gift of salvation, I want to live my life to his praise and glory.

What about you?  Is your name in the Book of Life?  Have you come to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and rest in his atoning death on the cross?  What I experienced that evening in March made me pray with more fervency for those I know who are not yet residents of the Kingdom of God.  I want them there.  I want them to be with me on that glorious day when I stand before the holy God and am transformed into his likeness, praising him for what he has accomplished for his saints and living in his presence for all eternity.

A sure entrance.  Do you have it?

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