Friday, September 22, 2017

Israel, Pt. 2

In this post, I'd like to share some of the highlights from my time in Israel.  Seeing all the biblical places is certainly part of that, but there were other aspects unrelated to touring that were significant as well.

The Public Servants' Prayer team traveled to Israel for the Parliament & Faith Conference hosted by Luciano Bongarra.  Matt Barnes participated in the conference by speaking on the importance of Gospel-centered ministry in the political arena, and Pam Russell shared how women can be an encouragement and support to their leaders through prayer and other practical means.

The conference also afforded opportunity to meet other pastors and leaders from all over the world and share meaningful conversations with them.  Both Matt and Pam made important connections.

A small group of us from the conference were privileged to spend part of an afternoon at the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament.  We were given a tour of the building, and Matt and several others addressed one of the Knesset members.  Perhaps one of my highlights there was a woman who sang Psalm 121 in Hebrew!  

To celebrate Matt's birthday on Friday that week, our team enjoyed dinner in the Old City and then hiked up 520 stairs to an overlook of Jerusalem as the sun was setting.  We questioned what we were doing in the middle of it, but the view was worth it once we made it!  

Being the photographer that I am, I tried to capture some of Israel's natural beauty every place we went.  It appeared in surprising locations.  Where there was nothing but barren earth, all of the sudden, there would be a small cluster of pink or yellow flowers, and you'd wonder, "How in the world is this growing here???"  The bright colors and freshness were always a welcomed sight - at least to this tourist!

I continue to thank the Lord for all that he did for me while in the Holy Land and for the people I met and the fellowship that was enjoyed.  If you have never been to Israel and the opportunity comes your way, then go!  Your life will be changed, and it will be a journey you'll never forget.

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