Intent on my mission and watching the minutes tick by, I suddenly realized at one point that I had been sitting at a light for a while but not going anywhere very quickly once the light turned green. Foot on the gas and go was my instantaneous response, but this big, dirty, very slow-moving dump truck was in front of me. "Oh wonderful!" I impatiently thought. "I'm almost there, but now this?! Come on - GO!"
As we slowly crept up the hill, everything inside of me wished I was in front of this obstacle and whizzing down the road. But here I was, going slower than 25mph and following behind him as close as I could.
The longer it took the truck to gain speed the more impatient I grew inside. While trying to remain calm and check my spirit, my eyes suddenly caught sight of these words on the back of the object that was causing me much consternation:
That did it. I smiled and laughed, amazed with God's humor. That was exactly what I was trying to do - push the truck along. But the truck literally "spoke" back to me, "Don't even try."
The Unseen Driver
God used those words to direct my thoughts elsewhere and change my attitude. I began to realize how often I grow impatient with God and His ways. If I were in the driver's seat of my life, I'd being driving down a different path and at a much faster rate of speed. But because I'm not in that driver's seat, I often find myself growing impatient with God and telling Him it would be much better if He'd change the direction - or start moving for that matter.
But God tells His people not to push.
It often appears as if God isn't working at all in our lives. For if He was working, logic goes, our prayers would be answered and we'd see things happening! But the truth of the matter is that God is always accomplishing His purposes even when we cannot see. There is an "unseen Driver" directing our course and all that takes place. It takes eyes and hearts of faith to see and understand what is beyond our comprehension. I cannot grow impatient with the wisdom and ways of God. I cannot push God to do what I deem is best for me. I have to trust; I have to submit; I have to follow His lead.
It is futile to do otherwise. All that results is more sin that affects those around me and, most importantly, my relationship with God. Impatience easily turns to anger which then breeds bitterness. Joy is lost, and a thankless heart is born. A hardness develops, and the work of the Spirit is quenched.
Every so-called obstacle in our lives is divinely put in place by God Himself. Every apparent delay is orchestrated by His wisdom. It all has a purpose, and my only calling is to embrace what God allows.
The Passenger
So what should be the attitude of the one sitting in the passenger's seat? As I've indicated, frequently I'm tempted to want to take the steering wheel and go in another direction, or inch my foot over to the accelerator and apply a little more pressure. There are times when my heart is filled with panic and fear and I begin to question God, "What are you doing? Why are you NOT doing anything? Are you there? Do you see? Don't you understand? Time is running out!"
It's never wrong to express to God the true state of our hearts, but it's sin to remain in a state of anxiousness, fear, and doubt. In moments when I grow impatient or question the path and means God has chosen for me, I have to ask Him to help me cultivate the attitude expressed in Psalm 131: O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul...
The Strength of Waiting
The passenger is called to wait. Waiting is difficult, but we have to lay hold of grace and faith. Grace is what helps me make that daily choice to wait rather than push on ahead of God. Faith is what causes me to persevere in that choice.
Waiting requires patience, and patience is a rare virtue...When we learn to wait on the Lord's leading in everything, we shall know the strength that finds its climax in an even, steady walk. Waiting, holding oneself to His lead - this is the secret to strength. (Oswald Chambers)
The Promise
God gives those who wait some precious promises.
- "Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame..." (Psalm 25:3)
- "Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God? Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary...But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength..." (Isaiah 40:27-28, 31)
- "From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him." (Isaiah 64:4)
As we wait on the Lord, we will not be ashamed. He will renew our weary souls with an enduring strength beyond what we thought possible. He will act on our behalf in the perfect time and with the perfect means, all in His love, goodness, and wisdom.
So as we ride in the passenger's seat of life, practice the secret of strength and claim the promises of God. Don't push but wait. The obstacles that appear to be there have divine purpose. As you wait, you will indeed see the God of providence and power act on your behalf. He is faithful, and not one of His words will fail.
"...if we let ourselves be governed by the good pleasure of divine providence, we will easily learn how to persevere in prayer, and how to wait on the Lord with patience, deferring the fulfillment of our desires to the hour set by his will...God will never abandon us, for he cannot disappoint the expectation and patience of those who are his." (John Calvin)
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