Saturday, February 8, 2014

Winter Blues...or Joys?

Snowstorms.  Frigid temperatures.  Enormous pot holes.  Hectic work days.  Long school days.  Near-impossible deadlines.  Pressures on all sides.  Hearts dealing with weighty matters.

Talk about the winter blues.  We've certainly felt them over here.

But I love the smiles that God gives through the simple things - like a stuffed animal.

Yes, a stuffed animal.  We are talking very simple things!

Our joy-filled, fun-loving nursing student knows how to make one laugh.  And even though she's in the midst of an incredibly challenging semester, she somehow still manages to make us smile.

The other night as I walked into my bedroom and rounded the corner, this strange sight greeted my eyes:

"What on earth..." was my first reaction.  But I stopped mid-sentence when it suddenly dawned on me what "it" was:

"Well, there he is again!  Rachael has been here!"  Who would think to put a stuffed bird inside a Santa hat head first?  Well, honestly, no one but Rachael...

It made me smile.  It made me laugh.  It did my heart some good.

This little bird has been following us around all over the house ever since the beginning of January, and he always finds new places to hide.  Before going to bed at night, Rachael hides him for Mom to find the next morning.  And the next morning, Mom hides him for Rachael to discover the next day.  It's been a regular routine the last five weeks.  Whenever I come across this "blue-feathered", orange-beaked bird, I can't help but smile because he reminds me of people I love.

Sometimes I wonder where I'll see him perched next.  This morning it was Rachael's shoulder as she moved about the kitchen preparing her breakfast...

Do you have winter blues or winter joys?  If you're feeling blue, try noticing the little things that God gives to cheer your soul.  They are never insignificant.  They are priceless and expressions of His care for His people.

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